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Communique from BOM: Clarification on Moratoriums on Loans

Communique from BOM: Clarification on Moratoriums on Loans

15 Apr 2020

With respect to moratoriums on loans granted by commercial banks, the Bank of Mauritius is issuing today 15th of April 2020, clarification of the moratoriums for respective categories.


The moratoriums announced by the Bank of Mauritius are deferments of the repayment of capital and interest, where applicable, on loans for a specified period of time. These moratoriums aim at temporarily alleviating the financial constraints of those businesses, households and individuals currently experiencing difficulties over the scheduled repayment of loans as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Applicants wishing to benefit from the moratorium on their existing loans must make a request to their respective commercial bank.


View full communique here >>