Business updates

Control of price of Face Masks, Hand Sanitisers and Respirators

Control of price of Face Masks, Hand Sanitisers and Respirators

Trade 20 Mar 2020

In the context of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the Consumer Protection (Price and Supplies Control) Act 1998 and the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods) (Maximum Mark-Up) Regulations 1998 have been amended with effect from 20 March 2020 to control the price of Face Masks, Hand Sanitisers and Respirators.


Importers of Face Masks, Hand Sanitisers and Respirators are required to submit to the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection, by email on, returns of costs for these products. The returns should be submitted in the form for Returns of Costs which may be downloaded from the Useful Documents Section of this Ministry’s website:


Read full communique here