Business updates

Introduction of Excise duties on Plastic Containers

Introduction of Excise duties on Plastic Containers

Trade 23 Apr 2019

Members are reminded that an excise duty of Rs. 2/unit will be applicable on all locally manufactured and imported non-biodegradable plastic containers namely plastic bowls, cups, plates and trays as from 2nd May 2019.


All importers and manufacturers of plastic containers will require an ‘Excise License’ issued by the MRA Customs and all non-biodegradable plastic containers used by the local manufacturing industry for packing of goods will be exempted from the excise duty provided they are registered with the Customs Department.


For more information on procedures and registration, please contact:


Mr. Rajgupta Ramnarain

Section Head – Excise Unit

MRA Customs

Tel: 202-0500

Email: /



  • A copy of the presentation made by the MRA Customs can be accessed here.


Below are the regulations: