Total exports for the year 2018 including domestic exports, re-exports amounted to Rs 67 billion, indicating a decrease of 6% compared to the year 2017.
Domestic exports amounting to Rs 50 billion, accounted for 75% of total exports in the year 2018. Compared to a value of Rs 53 billion recorded in year 2017, domestic exports have decreased by 4%.
Analysis by exports of destination for the year 2018 showed that the major destinations for our exports were USA (12%), UK (11.3%), South Africa (11%), France (10%), Madagascar (6%), Spain (5.2%) and Italy (5%). Compared to the year 2017, exports to South Africa and USA have increased by 14.8% and 0.4% respectively. However, exports to Italy, Madagascar, UK and Spain have dropped by 37%, 13%, 10% and 10% respectively.
Total imports for the year 2018 amounted to Rs 192 billion, showing an increase of 7% when compared to the year 2017. During the year 2018, Asia was the main supplier with a share of Rs 103 billion which represents 53.6% of total imports, out of which half of our imports originated from four main countries namely; India (18%), China (17%), South Africa (9.2%) and France (8.1%). Compared to 2017, total imports from India, South Africa, France and China rose by 19%, 16%, 9% and 7% respectively.
Analysis by regional trade agreements for the year 2018 showed that total exports to COMESA accounted to Rs 7.9 billion compared to Rs 8.2 billion in 2017. The major destinations were Madagascar, Kenya and Seychelles. Total exports to SADC amounted to Rs 13.3 billion in 2018 as compared to Rs 12.8 billion in 2017 with the main destinations being South Africa, Eswatini and Mozambique.
Based on recent trends and information from various sources, Statistic Mauritius has forecasted total exports to reach Rs 83 billion and total imports to reach Rs 212 billion for the year 2019. Total imports will include one-off items such as aircraft, wind turbines and metro trains which will lead to an expected trade deficit of Rs 129 billion in 2019.
The full report can be downloaded from the website of Statistics Mauritius on: