Business updates

Operationalisation of the Workers Rights Act as from the 24th of October 2019

Operationalisation of the Workers Rights Act as from the 24th of October 2019

Economy 04 Nov 2019

The Workers Rights Act has been proclaimed and is in operation as from the 24th of October 2019, except for Section  (7)(b)​ Part VIII of the said Act (Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund) which shall come into operation on 1st January 2020.


The legislation and accompanying regulations, including new Renumeration Orders 2019 can be accessed here.


The legislation makes provision for inter-alia:-


- Atypical working arrangements such as online platform workers and Homeworkers

Provides for flexible work arrangements such as flexitime

Harmonisation of core conditions of employment and new benefits such as bank of sick leave, Juror's leave and other special leaves

Setting-up of a Redundancy Board

Harmonisation of shift work provisions

Guarantees workers a gratuity on retirement on their full length of service

Restriction of fixed term contracts and new provisions for continuous employment