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Trade Statistics for 3rd Quarter 2015

Trade Statistics for 3rd Quarter 2015

Trade 30 Nov 2015

Total Exports for the third quarter of 2015 summed up to Rs. 24.8 billion, representing a decrease of 1.9% compared to the corresponding quarter in 2014. The fall in the value of exports of ‘Ship’s stores & Bunkers’ (-33.9%), ‘Machinery and transport equipment’ (-18.4%) and ‘Chemicals & Related Products’    (-9.1%) account for this decrease.


Domestic Exports for the third quarter comprised 63.5% of total exports - up 3.1% from the previous quarter and higher by 6.1% compared to the same quarter in 2014. The decrease in re-exports of ‘Telecommunications Equipment & Accessories’ explains the fact that Re-Exports were lower by 10.7% compared to the previous quarter and down 3.8% against figures for the same quarter in 2014.


An analysis of the January-September 2015 figures reveals that our main export markets were as follows: U.A.E (15.3%), U.K (13.1%), U.S.A (10.4%), France (9.0%), South Africa (7.9%), Madagascar (6.4%) and Italy (4.8%).


Total Imports added up to Rs. 42.0 billion, a decrease of 1.9% in contrast with figures of the previous quarter. It is worth noting that decreases in imports of 'Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related Products'   (-16.2%) and 'Machinery and Transport Equipment' (-12.6%) were registered over this period. The main supplier countries for the period January-September 2015 were India (17.9%), China (17.9%), France (7.0%) and South Africa (6.6%).


According to Statistics Mauritius, it is anticipated that total exports will amount to Rs. 97 billion against Rs. 176 billion for imports, resulting in a trade deficit of Rs. 79 billion. Further details on the third quarter statistics can be obtained here.